Revolutionary knowledge:
Pilot scheme or real business?
What will you get from the book?
You will be able to tell the difference by just looking at the offer. You will see if that is a set-up.
You will help others to avoid scams and Ponzi Schemes!
You develop the ability that helps you make decisions on whether it is worth starting any particular network marketing business!
Solution: learn these 8 simple steps,
follow them and you will surely be able to avoid the pifalls!
You will find downloadable GIFT contents in the book!
Let's be smarter than the Ponzi Schemes!
Universities that listed H2MLM in Marketing curriculum:
Analysed companies and models:
Support 24 (non-MLM)
Prime Club (non-MLM)
This book fills a huge gap. It contains lots of advices to those who wish to build a career in the network marketing / mlm business. A good sense of humor, very readable for everyone and extremely useful. I also recommend this book to all those who have tried to work in the trade before.
dr. Zoltán Sipos
head of marketing department, professor at
Zsigmond Király College, PhD in economics, former member of the marketing body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Recommendation? No, this is a must! I believe that anyone who has self esteem and want to be protected from the malicious business attacks of the world must read this book. As the proverb says: 'For whom if not for thyself?'
dr. József Korn
Attorney at law, businessman, who thinks his biggest achievement in life has been those 67 years and the acquired wisdom and the analytic ability of the rationally deduced consequences.
...You will learn how MLM companies work and will be able to identify the most important business aspects even before you reach a decision.
I can only recommend this book to everyone who has been approached by any network marketing offer ever. It is useful both for consumers, curious bystanders and for serious business builders too.
Árpád Czimbalmos
Leader, Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Club, Hungary